Soul Village Work Exchange at Camp Loma

We can definitely use help setting up and maintaining our site before during and after camp. And we like to provide an affordable way for people to attend the gathering. Contact us if you are interested in Work Exchange. The number of positions is limited.

Set-Up & Take-Down:

Set-up/Take-Down work exchange people need to arrive by 10:00 am on Thursday and stay on Sunday until clean-up is finished. That is about 4 hours of set-up and 4 hours of take-down. Some of the work is physical. We especially need people who can lift and carry things.

Service During Camp:

Kitchen work exchange people help with meal prep, serving and clean-up. They work four 90 minute shifts (three dinners and one lunch ORĀ three breakfasts and one lunch). Plus, they help with kitchen clean-up at the end of camp.